Our shop is all about making you feel your best in your outfit and our boutique helps you tie you outfit together from a minimalistic necklace to a flashy pink pair of butterfly earrings. We give great quality jewelry at a cheaper price than actual stores like Brand Mellville. Have fun exploring our shop!
Aliya Alabi
Welcome to Chocolate Trouble! I'm a 16 year old aspiring to launch a successful business like Brandy Melville and Urban Outfitters ,which is my long term dream. i made my shop inspired by those to but to give more teens a cheeper option. My first shop was a cosmetics shop in the branch of lip glosses, that didn't go so well so i changed it to a boutique that i know no one could resist. Thanks to just one girl who ordered from me when no on was, i have more confidence that my shop will grow help me prove that point and you'll get featured on our instagram page!
style your way
- -Chocolate Trouble